What can be better than having a dog? For some people, the answer is simple. It’s having two dogs! Or three! Or four! While the idea of a house filled with dogs can sound like a dream come true, the practicalities are often far more complex than people realise. It can result in a house of chaos, not least because the dogs are all full of energy, but because YOU need to be too. Having multiple dogs can be very rewarding, but it can also be a little hectic. If that sounds like a bit much, take a look at our guide to keeping things calm in multi-dog household.
Dogs in Autumn
Dogs in Autumn. Saying goodbye to Summer doesn’t necessarily mean saying goodbye to clear skies, sunshine or even seasonal allergies! With Autumn also comes cooler days, darker mornings/evenings and lovely changing landscapes. All which can disrupt the routine of your dogs in autumn. Here are some handy tips and tricks for tackling the new season with your dog!
Autumn means less daylight and therefore darker mornings and evenings. This will likely mean that your daily dog walks take place in darkness which can be a safety hazard for both you and your dog. If possible, stay in well lit areas so you can see where you’re walking and if needed, take a torch to highlight paths. Reflective materials will keep you and your dog visible to cars – reflective jackets, collars and flashing lights are all available for a reasonable price and I’ve even used a cat bell on my dog’s collar so I can hear her in the dark! This is particularly handy for dogs with dark coats like mine. Also watch out for broken class and tree roots – I have tripped over a fair few roots myself when out walking during a dark morning!
Cooler Weather
As it’s getting colder in the mornings and evenings, this can affect how you choose to groom your dog. Long hair will be better in keeping your dog warm as opposed to a close trimmed coat during the warmer seasons. It may be an idea to invest in dog clothing such as a coat if your dog is comfortable with it. There are even coats available for long haired dogs (who have shorter legs) that wrap right around the body! This is ideal for keeping your dog’s coat clean too.
Often when summer ends, allergies can crop up considerably due to the harvest months and change of season. Look out for any unusual skin conditions and breathing issues such as coughing or snorting. Seek Veterinary guidance if needed as many allergies can be remedied by antihistamines (these work really well for my dog who often develops irritating skin conditions/scratching).
You may find that it’s difficult to get out and about with your dog due to bad weather conditions. If you worry that you’re dog isn’t getting enough exercise then please see more of our blog for how to exercise your dog during a spell of bad weather. Keeping your dog active and healthy during the winter months is essential so if an indoor obstacle course needs to be set up then it should be. Even in the cold and bad weather, you’re dog still needs exercise!
Halloween Treats
Needless to say, dogs should not be given any sweeties or chocolate during this season – even if it is Halloween! Keep your dog’s food to meat and veg and make sure they drink plenty of water. When out with your dog, also beware of rotting twigs/leaves which they might pick up. Upset tummies aren’t pleasant for either party!
A Few Fun New Year’s Resolutions for You and Your Dog
The New Year is a great time to make new goals for yourself but it can also be useful to make some for your dog. Fitness, diet and grooming are all important aspects of everyday life and if you got a new puppy for Christmas then some simple goals can make all the difference in the quality of your dog’s life (and your own!).
Goals can be easier if you’ve got the support (or responsibility) of someone else – in this case, your dog! Be firm and committed to the goals you set. A new dog, or any dog for that matter, can be hard work but if good habits begin to fall by the wayside then simply start over again! Don’t be discouraged as you’ll have a happier, healthier dog if you establish and maintain a few simple goals.
New Year’s Resolution #1 – Fitness
It’s a classic goal for the New Year that nearly everyone sets so why not make it a resolution for your dog too? Aim to go at least one half-hour walk a day if you don’t already and, if possible, let your dog run around off-leash given the area is secure and you have him/her under close control.
Depending on the breed of your dog, it may need more exercise than you think. Do a bit of research – does it need lots of exercise or is it a smaller dog suited to regular leisurely-paced walks? Is your dog older and can’t walk too briskly due to arthritis? Or is it a new puppy under 6 months who isn’t yet able to be walked or over-exercised due to soft bones and developing legs? Make sure your dog’s fitness goals are tailored to suit its health and age.
New Year’s Resolution #2 – Diet
We’ve all said it before: ‘This year I’ll eat more healthily’. But how long does it last? Balance and moderation is the key to keeping a good diet but establishing some new habits is a good way to start.
Dogs, like humans, can get fed up eating the same thing every day. Would you fancy sitting down to a plate of dried kibble every day?…Well neither does your dog. Try to vary your dogs diet. Add lots of crunchy vegetables like carrots, beans, broccoli, even cauliflower florets if your dog likes them. You can also give your dog bits of fruit like apple, pear, banana etc. but avoid grapes and obviously remove any core and stones. Cut up bits of raw veg and fruit and stuff into a Kong type toy where your dog can have lots of fun trying to get the food out. Fruit and veg are great appetite fillers and in moderation will not put on weight unlike most shop bought treats.
There is nothing wrong with some of your non-processed scraps but make it a resolution to scrape them into his bowl and in this way you will not encourage begging.
New Year’s Resolution #3 – Grooming
Look good, feel good is a motto you hear time and time again. It’s definitely important to take care of yourself but it’s equally important to look after your dog.
Spend time brushing your dog with a high quality brush to remove casting fur. If you have a long-haired breed then you may want to keep their coat trimmed so it’s cooler in summer and warmer for winter. A groomer can take care of this for you if you don’t feel comfortable trimming tricky areas like around the eyes and most will also clip your dog’s nails which can be troublesome if you’re unsure how to do it yourself. As for tear stains then gently apply cotton wool dipped in warm water to soften and remove the stains.
New Year’s Resolution #4 – Quality Time
A lot of owners simply don’t spend enough time with their pets. It’s crucial to your dog’s wellbeing that you spend at LEAST 15 minutes a day playing with them and 15 minutes working on training. If you don’t, then troublesome behaviours can develop such as incessant chewing, barking and destruction.
Set aside a short time each day to play a memory game with your dog like hide and seek or ‘find the treat’. Ball games are excellent but just watch your dog does not become so fixated on the ball he ends up training you to play when he wants!! If you use a toy such as a tug-o-war rope only play if you can be sure you win! Praise your dog when it gets it right. Spending time with your dog helps to establish your authority as owner while mentally challenging your dog so it’s more familiar with your commands. Sticking to a regular routine like this will be mentally stimulating, fun and encourage obedience.
Track Your Progress!
Try to stick to these simple New Year’s resolutions by using a calendar to tick off the days you’ve exercised or the appointments you’ve made for groomers/vets. Does your dog’s coat seem shinier? It’s probably the great diet. Is your dog happy and obedient? Then you’ve made the effort to find time to spend some quality time with your dog. Persevere and commit to small goals like these to ensure you and your dog are at your happiest and healthiest!