It’s that time of year again when to most of us fireworks represent a celebration.
Many dogs however do not feel the same and can be sent into a blind panic when fireworks explode. Remember their hearing is many times more acute than ours so fireworks and rumbles of thunder can be very frightening for dogs with less confident temperaments.
A few tips to help your dog handle fireworks and thunderstorms:
- If your dog shows fear or anxiety make sure you have a small dark area where they can go to feel safe. A covered crate is ideal or make a dark den between two chairs with a blanket.
- Some dogs feel safe under the bed.
- Turn up the radio or TV to help drown out the noise.
- Close the curtains to help reduce the bright flares.
- Some herbal remedies can help in severe cases but these should be started early. Speak to a good homeopathic vet for advice.
- Try to stay calm and relaxed and do not comfort your dog. Your soft voice tone only reinforces their anxious state.
- Dogs can very easily pick up on our fear or anxieties so be calm and ignore any whining or panting he may do. It is difficult because all you want to do is comfort him but by acting as if nothing is wrong will send out calming signals to your dog.
- In extreme cases your dog may toilet in the house through his fear. Simply clear it up and do not make it an issue.
Try your best to reassure your dog during such events. Simple reassurance can set the tone for the rest of your relationship with your dog.
If your dog is still having issues with fireworks and/or thunderstorms, you can contact us – Enquiries